Thursday, March 05, 2009

Tradition continues

My mother and grandmother would load us up in the station wagon on a weekday morning.
This was no ordinary errand though.
Twice a year we would go to the Stride Rite store down in Del Marco Plaza near my grandmothers.
Then we would either get to go to McDonalds for lunch or Baskin Robbins for ice cream afterwards.
When my Mom and Dad were here we took Kate to get her first pair of shoes.
They have come a long way from the white leather soled shoes though.


Seth and Janet said...

good memories...we went to the same store...I think that is where the love of shoes began. Watch out!

All 8 of Us said...

Oh my goodness, Nora...she is adorable with her little chub legs and her spanking new shoes! It's great to see your mom enjoying some of those special traditions even though she lives so far away--
Enjoy your precious little girl...I don't need to tell you how fast they grow up:)!!