Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Baby Update: Week 21

It is hard to believe that we are counting down the weeks so fast.

I will post my belly picture later because it is finally demanding more accomodating clothing. People at work can hardly believe I'm pregnant, but I agree with what Travis said the other night, "The invasion has begun." I feel more pregnant every day and pants that worked last week are being turned down. I am fortunate to have gotten this far without needing them. My husband and I also had a wonderful time buying a few items at BabyStyle on Saturday and talking about the upcoming change in our life that the baby will bring.

The baby is constantly poking me, and working hard especially to stretch those abdominal tendons. It is growing rapidly, and will reach almost a pound by the end of this month. That's probably why I am gaining weight too.

I have another ultrasound this week...I rescheduled it for when GiGi and Dutch get into town, so we can go together on Friday and they can see the baby. Gigi and Dutch are what my parents have already named themselves with their surrogate grandchildren, but we'll see what this one ends up calling them. Probably Gigi and Opa. Travis' parents are hoping for Grammy and Grandpa (which I'm sure will become some permutation of that word). The grandparents are also having coffee on Saturday... I'm surethe time will be filled with the process of sharing their anticipated joys!


Rachel said...

So fun... I love your weekly updates. :) Looking forward to seeing the belly progress. :)

EJJ said...

too bad Mom and Dad can't cart Peter's "Ab Lounger" with them tomorrow...you could put a flotation device underneath of it and plop it in the Nams' pool this summer, all the while maintaining the tightness of your abdominals! :)