Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Too old?

Nahh.... No way. Never too old for a little fun.
When Chuck and Mason were here in Phoenix for a little visit, we went out to eat. One night we went to Cyclo (of course). Mason loved it so much that we had to stop and get him more lettuce wrapped egg rolls. No quite road food, but we packed it up and headed out to see our new house. We were 10 minutes too late. So, we got a res for Ruth Chris Steakhouse...but it wasn't until 8:15p. So in order to kill time we went to Sprouts market to get Mason washed up and collect samples. Then, we decided to head over to Chandler Mall to pick up some gifts for the family. Don't you remember getting presents from your dad when he went away on business trips? Mine always did. It was a matter of great excitement when he returned, because you never knew what he would bring home. My favorite gift was probably the stamps my dad brought me back from London one time, during my stamp collecting phase. I still have them.
While we were shopping, Chuck gets this crazy idea that we all need Heeleys. Have you heard of these. If you are a mother of school aged children, you do. Me-- another story. I've seen (and been annoyed) with kids whipping around on their wheeled shoes, thinking very little of this 'fad'. Well, Chuck told me that his wife has them; then he proceeds to offer to buy them for Jordan, Travis and myself if we would wear them in the mall. I rose to the challenge.
I secretly doubted my abilities, having failed ever to get the skateboard thing down. But I went for it. If someone offers to buy you shoes, you take it. Every girl knows that rule.
So here's a video of my attempts at "heeley-ing" through...none but the best... Nordstroms. You should have seen the look on people's faces.
Ps. they're a great ab workout. Every mother should have them.

Heeley on Vimeo


Janelle Shank said...

You are SO cute! I want a pair!!

Laurie Z said...

very sophisticated, i love it. i dare you to wear them to 711, roll around with a slurpee and try paying for it with monopoly money ;)

tara said...

dude now you got me wanting a pair! look at you starting a new trend :-)