Saturday, February 02, 2008

Baby Update: Month Five

Say hello to this precious face.... it was hiding on Wednesday, so all we got was a side profile. It has it's head stuck way down low, almost as if it was standing on it's head. And, no, we did not find out what it was. We both just care about it being healthy.
I have to go back in about 10 days for another sonogram because they need to see the face better to check it's facial structures. If we get a good shot at the face, we will get a 3-D picture.
It brought tears to my eyes to see all of it's little parts: the spine, the beating four chambers of the heart, the diaphragm, the legs (long~ almost a week ahead of the other parts) arms, hands, fingers, feet and the movements. Now that I know it's really there, I have begun to pay attention and I have been feeling the baby move for a couple of weeks, but in a more pronounced way this week. It wouldn't hold still for the sonographer and it is pretty active when I sit still, so I know I won't lack for "fetal movements" soon.


Rachel said...

Aw, so great... I got teary the first time I saw our little guy on the sonogram, too. It's like 'ohhhh, that's what's in there. :)' how exciting if you get a 3D of his/her face!

Wagner said...

I teared up too - it's amazing! So glad the baby was healthy! Do you have a feeling if its a boy or girl? There was no way I could wait!

Jessica said...

So excited for you! It's hard to believe that you are so far along already. I was wondering if you would be interested in talking with me about the supplement program I have been on. I've made some pretty amazing progress both with the supplements and the detox that I have been on. I would love to talk about it with you, with all your nutritional background. You can call me anytime on my cell. I would email, but it's a pretty complicated program and probably easier to talk about than email...

Unknown said...

SO excited for you girlie!

Alissa said...

awww...isn't it so fun? just wait till that little bab starts kicking all the time and harder and harder! :) the best is when you can just look down at your tummy as see it moving when te baby does! so exciting...keep the updates coming, your not far behind me! :)

C. said...
