Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Mail Events

Don't you just love it when the mailman comes around the corner? The anticipation of pulling open the tinny door by its little lever and seeing what someone sent you never grows old. When I first moved in I would wait to see if anyone knew we lived here. Usually it contained something for several past residents like farm equipment magazines, mortage offers and lots of pizza coupons. Several trips to the post office cleared the way for our new mail.
And yesterday we got one of those delicious mistakes in the mail. Our address is 19024--- and we got our neighbors "Travel + Leisure" magazine for 19045. Travis and I curled up in bed last night to read all about European travel.
I am also greatly inspired by all sorts of European foods these days after my friend Chanelle tipped me off to all sorts of great blogs on food. Visit her blog. and look at her links to brilliant foodies such as ourselves! Bonjour

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't you think your neighbor might be missing their magazine?